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Advanced Filters
Analytical Devices
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Manufacturer A-Z
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Model Z-A
AutoDG Droplet Digital PCR System - Biorad - QX200 - VP075
Capillary Electrophoresis System - Beckman Coulter - PA 800S Plus - 019.SG
Personal Molecular Imager System - Bio-Rad - Imagerfx - SGH077
Cell Viability Analyzer - Beckman - VI-Cell XR - SGH076
ICIEF Analyzer - Convergent - ICE 280 - SGH075
ICIEF Analyzer - Convergent - ICE 280 - SGH074
Analyzer Jess System with PC - SGH047
Ph Meter - Materlab - SGH095-SGH097
Ph Meter - Materlab - PHM210 - SGH093-SGH094
PH Meter - 340I - X.06.328
PH Meter - Mettler Toledo Seven Easy PH - X.06.349-X.06.350
PH Meter - Mettler Toledo - 59.18.06
Conductivity Meter - Materlab - CDM210 - SGH043
Analyzer - Convergent - ICE 280 - SGH040
Cell Cytometer - Beckman - FC500 - SGH042
Microseq Analyzer For QC - Thermofisher - SGH041
Osmometer - Advanced Instruments - 3321 Micro - SGH029-SGH032
Osmometer - Vitech - 3320 - SGH028
Conductivity Meter - Fisher Scientific - Orion Star A - SGH024-SGH027
UV Plate Reader - Spectramax M5E - SGH023
Elisa Plate Reader - SGH022
PCR Detection System - Biorad - IQ5 - SGH021
Bioprofile Analyzer - Nova Biomedical - Flex - PRN07
Thermistor Termometer - Eutech Instruments - 59.14.06
Spectrophotometer - Thermo Scientific - 46111
Spectrophotometer - Jenway - 7310 - 46110
Spectrophotometer - Jenway - 46106
Water Bath - X.06.456, X.06.458, X.06.467
Variostat CC - Huber - X.06.461
Refrigerated Water Bath - Thermo Haake - X.06.444
Water Bath - X.06.447-X.06.448
Water Bath - Huber - X.06.445
Water Bath - Lauda - X.06.452
Water Bath - DK3267
Water Bath - DK2521
Water Bath-WB4755
Water Bath - Thermo Scientific - WB4855
Water Bath 45L - Memmert - WPE45 - X07.083- X07.084
Diffractometer - Malvern Panalytical - Aeris Compact X Ray - DM0001
Condutivemeter - Knick - 913 - X.06.344
Thermometer - Testo - 735 - X.06.322-X.06.323
Conductormeter - Knick - 703 - X.06.345
Particle Counter - Lasair II - 310B - 393016
Particle Counter - Lasair II - 310B - 393017
Particle Counter - Lasair II - 310B - 393018
Particle Counter - Lasair II - 310B - 393019
Particle Counter - Lasair II - 310B - 393020
Particle Counter - Lasair II - 310B - 393021
Turbidimeter - Hach - 2100 AN IS - X.06.107
Manometer Digital - Dimed NV - X.06.331
Manometer Digital - Dimed NV - X.06.333-X.06.337
Electromagnetic Flowmeter - Endress+Hauser - Promag H - 39-1A-013
Viscosimetre - Brookfreid - X.06.244
Sievers 900 Portable TOC Analyzer - X07.109
6 Bags/Pack Of Lasair III Particle Counter Spareparts - X.06.245
Density / Specific Gravity Meter - X07.105
Conductivity Sensor - Knick SE 202 - X07.167
Micropipettes - X07.160
Mquant PH-Indicator Strips (100 Tests) - X07.152
Microscope - Leica - X.06.127
Microscope - Nikon - X.06.130
Microscope - Nikon - X.06.105-X.06.106
Microscope - Olympus - X.06.104
Microscope - Axioskop 40 - DK1019
Microscope - Axioskop 40 - DK1016
Digital Pressure Monitor - Krosflo - X.06.55
Optical Unit UV-1 - GE Healthcare - X07.169
Optical Unit UV-1 - GE - X07.098
Optical Unit UV-1 - GE and Furon UPM3-988 - X07.020- X07.021
Conductivemeter - Mettler Toledo - X.06.330
Thermometer - X.06.464
Thermometer - X.06.329
Conductivemeter - Mettler Toledo - X.06.327
Thermometer - Thermibel - X.06.320-X.06.321
Thermometer - Testo - X.06.319
Manometer Digital - Eurolec - X.06.343
Manometer Digital - X.06.342
Manometer Digital - X.06.338-X.06.341
Manometer - Dimed NV - X.06.348
Manometer Digital - X.06.264
Manometer Digital Portable - Fisher Scientific - X.06.267
Particle Counter Isoair - X.06.393-X.06.397, X.06.449-X.06.450
Particle Counter Isoair 310P - X.06.402-X.06.443
Particle Counter Isoair - X.06.466
Particle Counter Lasair III - X.06.367-X.06.392, X.06.466
Viscosmetre - X.06.208
Viscosimetre - Brookfield - X.06.207
Viscosimetre - Brookfield - X.06.209-X.06.210
Conductormeter - LF 197 - X07.022
Low Conductormeter T 77103 - RS 232 C - X07.003
Conductormeter 765 Calimatic - Knick - X07.006
Spectrometer - Pharmacia - X.06.398-X.06.399
Spectrophotometer - Thermofisherscientific - X.06.131, X.06.136, X.06.137
Variostat CC - Huber - X.06.463
Integrity Test Instrument - Pall - X07.001-X07.002